
Ten Field Auction Postponed

Cooper Brouard’s auction of ten fields in St Peter’s due to be held on Friday morning at the Farmhouse Hotel has been postponed.

Auctioneer Trevor Cooper explained that “In spite of best efforts by everyone involved a legal formality has yet to be finalised and it’s with regret that the decision to postpone has been taken due to the strict time restraints an auction imposes”.

“Protocol is paramount in property conveyancing”, said Mr Cooper, “and it’s not unusual for house sales to be delayed while such formalities are finalised. An auction makes no such allowance as the sale is a binding contract on the fall of the auctioneer’s gavel without further negotiation or conditions.

Mr Cooper said “The level of interest being shown in the fields gave promise for an exciting auction and he assures prospective buyers that the fields will be openly re-marketed in a timely fashion at the earliest opportunity”.

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