Route de la Croix Au Bailiff, St Andrew's GY6 8RZ
This detached cottage is conveniently situated equidistant to both the amenities of St Martin’s and Town and also to West coast beaches.
Well maintained by the current owners, this deceptively spacious home has a super balance of accommodation currently comprising a kitchen breakfast room, lounge (potential fourth bedroom), dining room and conservatory paired alongside 3 double bedrooms, a family bathroom, en-suite shower room and utility room. A traditional vine house attached to the property provides space for a home allotment or covered seating area. With parking for numerous vehicles and pleasant fore and rear gardens, viewing is recommended to appreciate all on offer.
In the centre of the island is the garden of Guernsey. What the parish lacks in coastline it makes up for in rural pasture, and a Tony Jacklin designed golf course. At its heart St Andrew’s has fields of gold once central to cider making in the island. Its church is affectionately known as St André de la Pommeraye, or St Andrew of the apple orchard, as celebrated each year in good family fashion in the rectory gardens.
There are lovely clusters of granite farmhouses and the Little Chapel’s setting of Vauxbelets means pretty little valleys, watched over by a former monastery, now Blanchelande College. Talbot Valley is even prettier and while it lies predominantly in the Castel, St Andrew’s will point to where it begins.
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